A document with the sole purpose of 'challenging' a child with a small S.M.A.R.T target to get them working above and beyond the normal expectations of the classroom.
A reward is outlined at the bottom of each card.
The card is designed to be kept by the child so the ownership is on them to achieve the 'challenge' and earn the reward.
Three examples included:
Example 1: Completely blank. Set them a challenge and outline a reward or EVEN BETTER 'challenge' the child to set their own target.
Example 2: Suggested challenges. Don't forget to set a reward that the child would like to earn.
Example 3: Challenges and rewards already set. Complete time saver with the whole emphasis put onto the child to take, complete and reward their own EPIC behaviour.
Feedback appreciated.
This document is used within school to support children at home with their morning/evening routines. I have given this resource to many parents who report back that it is very helpful at home. I have found that this document helps with attendance within school.
The document is easily customised with colours, names and tasks. The document can be printed and mounted onto card and/or decorated by the child to enable ownership. *Requires counters to be made* I use small plastic counters from school with stickers.
Feedback Welcome
This is a resource to use after a negative incident has occurred.
The resource is designed to enable the child to understand and fix their mistakes. Work through the first worksheet and challenge the child to 'take responsibility' for their actions.
The resource is broken into three simple steps:
1 - Apologise
2 - Ask what you can do to fix your mistake
3 - Do it!
Continuous use of this resource will develop an understanding of reflective practise for children and empower them to learn a life skill. It is important that the child understands that we all make mistakes, it is our job to learn from them and make them better.
Feedback appreciated.
Warm-up tasks designed to engage the students brain prior to the lesson starting. This is student led and required no effort from the teacher. The documents contains fun resources to engage a wide range of students.
The pack includes:
What goes where - Matching ICT components to their ports.
Keyboard 1 - A computer keyboard with gaps for children to fill out (easy)
Keyboard 2 - A blank computer keyboard. (Hard) How many keys can you correctly identify?
Bits and Bobs - Can you identify popular Microsoft based keys and shortcuts?
Quiz - An ICT based crossword.